Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Charlie's first real hike!

Charlie and I went hiking Monday. It was only a couple of miles, but it was a good start! He did great. He entertained himself by pulling on my hair, playing with the fishy toy I attached to the backpack, and watching the birds flitter around. I tried to show him turtles sunning themselves on a rock, but I don't think he knows the difference between a rock and a turtle yet!

We will certainly do lots more of this!

Here you can see the river in the background.


All cozy and comfy back there.

Pretty sunlight

Happy baby (and happy mommy!)

Here's a bonus picture from a few weeks ago, when we were testing out the backpack in the neighborhood!




  1. Happy baby happy mommie. You two look adorable and in your element.

  2. What a wonderful activity you two can share!
