Sunday, February 9, 2014

Too many babies!

So we had all of our kid friends over this afternoon for lunch and playing (except for Mabel, she was sick.) There were an awful lot of breastfeeding moms. I think we intimidated the boys a little! But a good time was had by all. There was much adorableness! Here are some pictures!

Avett, being super cute with the toy dog. He loves to tease Wiki with this thing.

And here he is holding Charlie, with Pete's help.

Here's Molly, playing peekaboo in the doorway.

Here's Sarah, reading to little William

Here's a couple pictures of Eva. She loves being upside down!
And here's Linnea and Charlie, next to Amber and Gray, under the blanket. He's only 3 weeks old, one month younger than Charlie!
And here's Charlie!

One more!


  1. What a cute crew! Love Avett with the doggie. Who could have imagined! Avett got a cute haircut, I didn't recognize him.

  2. Avett loves that doggie toy! He plays with it every time he comes over. Wiki chases it too!
