Sunday, February 4, 2018

Charlie at Pre-School

Recently, Charlie came home with a bunch of paper plates with cool designs on them.  He loves them, but wouldn't tell us how he made them (we had some guesses!).  Luckily, Charlie's pre-school sends us pictures sometimes!

I like that he was wearing his hat backwards for some reason!


  1. I forgot they're all wearing clothes backwards! It was "backwards day"!

  2. Is that a record player or a pottery wheel? What a great idea. Yep, Backwards Day is a pretty special day and it’s amazing how many kiddos love it.

  3. Every day is backwards ay for me! Brain is a sieve! Charlie supersedes cuteness as always! Sue., I bet you can't wait to see them and that you'll have an awesome time! For every kiss give them, please give one for Nana T๐Ÿ˜❤️๐Ÿ˜

  4. Backwards is so cool , especially on my grandchild!

  5. Will do Ev. Lots of lovin from both Nanas.
