Friday, April 3, 2015

A day with Eva

We got to spend the day with Eva today! Her day care was closed (Good Friday), and both of her parents had to work. Charlie and she had a lovely time together- they get along like siblings, including minor skirmishes over toys and sharing food. Plus, Pete worked a half day, so he got to spend the afternoon with us too. Here are some pictures.

My favorite of the day- Pete and Eva rocking out, while Charlie napped.


Mangos and waffles for breakfast.


Early morning playtime, with musical accompaniment.


Story time! (Eva on Charlie's awesome chair)

Yogurt snack


Sand boxing!


Charlie's awesome new sandbox trucks


Mac and cheese for lunch
Heading to the park- Charlie on my back, and Eva in the stroller

Park fun



On the rockin dino at the park


Chilling in the backyard with Wiki.















  1. Wow it looks like a great day hanging with Eva. Good going Bre and kiddos. It must have been a beautiful day outside since some of the pics have you all in short sleeved shirts.

  2. So cuete Ava, Charlie, and their friend Petey!
