Sunday, March 8, 2015

Snow days

We got so much snow! It was especially hard, because we had just come from sunny California, and warm beaches. Here are a few pictures of Charlie in the snow.

Happy in the snow!
Our street


Unhappy in the wagon, with our neighbor Alex


Our backyard
Cruising down the street with our neighbor friends
Snow playtime with daddy!



  1. So much snow. I bet you are looking forward to sunny Key West where Charlie can wear a bathing suit, rash guard and sunglasses.

  2. Suzie, that is not so much snow! You should see here where we've had three foot snow coverage all winter. But it's beautiful. Our 13 deer are now hanging out on the deck to eat the bird seeds.Poor things. Have wonderful time in Key West Granny-nanny!

  3. I thought people moved down south to get AWAY from the snow!
