Friday, November 21, 2014

11 months!

Here's my 11 month old baby! He's so cute! His top teeth just started to pop out- look for cute pictures of that soon!

11 month old Charlie is remarkably good at walking. He still prefers crawling because it is faster, but he's getting more and more comfortable on his feet.

11 month old Charlie loves going up and down stairs. He loves rolling balls back and forth. He loves books.

11 month old Charlie loves food. He tries everything, and eats most things. Tonight he tried to eat some uncooked butternut squash skin. It didn't go well. He loves yogurt and cheese. I think he is still allergic to soy.

11 month old Charlie is very outgoing when we are places- he says "ahh" to everyone who walks by. He loves to stand up in the shopping cart and throw moms groceries out of the cart. He also waves and blows kisses!

11 month old Charlie loves to giggle with his daddy. He loves Wiki. He learned how to pet him gently, and now he follows Wiki all around the house. Wiki enjoys the attention too.

He has rosy red check because he's still a little sick.

We had to get creative with the 11 sticker this time because he kept ripping it off. Which is your favorite picture?








  1. These are all great pictures but if I had to choose I think 4 and 5 are my favorites. Goodbye baby hello toddler

  2. I think five, although I love the one where he's putting the tag on Dino.
