Our old grad school friends Erich and Monica came into town for the weekend with Teddy, their 8 month old. He's super awesome and so are his parents!
We took lots of pictures and had lots of fun. As they were leaving, we got a super cute picture of Charlie and Teddy holding hands. That was on someone else's camera, but I'll post it when I get it! Here's a glimpse into our fun weekend.
Saturday we wandered around downtown and hit up Fullsteam
Kristen and goofy Charlie
Sunday we hung out in Kristen's backyard, had lots of food and played with the kids
Charlie and Jeff
Pretty baby Eva
Teddy and Monica
Teddy and Erich
I just thought I had all of the babies and their families sorted out and now you hit me from field. We'll, I'm just going to have to make a friend chart and include the adorable new additions! Life is not easy.