Friday, February 14, 2014

2 months! (Well, almost!)

Charlie will turn two months while we are in California. So I decided to get ahead of things and do his pictures a little early.
Which ones are your favorites? Now taking votes!
Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4 ( the scared of Dinos picture)

Number 5

Number 6


  1. My vote is for the second one for his cuteness although his legs aren't showing, so I think I will say the first one because you can see his whole body. That was a very indecisive answer but when we have such a handsome grandson, their are no bad pictures. Right Ev?

  2. Our grandson looks magnificent in his birthday suit. If you're going to make me vote, I'm with susie in number nor, BUT, my real fav is 5!!! Just look at that face!Four is good also . I can't take ther pressure!

  3. #5 is the winner winner chicken dinner
