Charlie is awesome at sports class - the coach often takes Charlie and has him demonstrate what the kids should all do! Here they are - all not moving for a brief moment.
At the museum they had the walking sticks out and about, and you could give one a high-five! Maggie was so brave and wanted to play with it! (Charlie was not interested)
On the Roller Coasters it's all fun and games. But on Ninjago it's all SERIOUS BUSINESS as we all try and get the high-score. (Mama always wins though!)
This is by far Maggie's favorite ride. She calls it "the little boats" and you go around and there are lego versions of a bunch of fairy-tale's. And Maggie makes you tell her the stories.... 1,000 times.
They have a drumming exercise class for little kids at the Y. Maggie hasn't been, but I think she'd fit right in - she loves to bang on any instrument and SING!
Maggie gets so excited to meet lego characters. Charlie could not care less. But Maggie gets WAY into it - here she is with miscellaneous lego princess #7. But Mags is psyched.
Maggie loves this little helicopter ride at LegoLand - these pics are still from California, but we just got back from LegoLand Florida! More pics of that soon. First, future Hot-Shot Maggie!