Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter games!

We had a super fun Easter! Look for a video of egg hunting later this week, but for now I have some pictures.


Our neighborhood egg hunt- Charlie wasn't particularly interested in the eggs, but he LOVES pinwheels!



Pink egg!


Where is that blue egg again?


Terrifying bunny daddy!


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

Chasing chickens!

Charlie is finally feeling better after 5 days of fever.

These pictures are from Sacramento- Check out these action shots!



Monday, March 14, 2016

Things that make Charlie go "hmmmm"

Charlie is getting pretty precocious at times... here he is pondering where a puzzle piece goes.  Listen for the very adult "hmmmmmmm....."

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016


Charlie loves his Gaga! He made him this play dough star, and when I said he couldn't bring it home to Gaga, he made me take a picture.

Good night hugs!!

Early morning reading and fruit.

iPad time!


Monday, March 7, 2016

Los Angeles

We spent a few days in Los Angeles, playing with grandma Cookie and Poppy. It was Poppy's 90th birthday, so we had a giant party! We played outside and had delicious food and played lots of poker. Charlie even played poker with me- he's not very good!

Here we are playing in the backyard with a wagon and a ball. Nana Susie is pulling him around

We went to a small zoo, and they had a train. Charlie is so excited!


And he got to try on a zookeeper hat!

And a science museum- try to catch the flying toys!



Friday, March 4, 2016

Fairytale town


Charlie and I are back in Sacramento! That means a trip to our favorite place, Fairytale Town!
Tractor driving!
Thing 1 and Thing 2!



Thursday, March 3, 2016

A FaceTime picture!

Charlie is so handsome on FaceTime I had to catch a picture.... Here he is looking sleeeeeeeepy!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Snowy San Diego!

Hi y'all,

This is Pete filling in for Bre!

Since we didn't get to see the Kerchner's this Christmas, we decided to have a wonderful little Christmas in San Diego!

Dean managed to get us a bunch of Christmas decorations, like a giant snowman, and a menorah (for me!).  I didn't get any pictures of those, but I did get a video of the most awesome thing Charlie had ever seen in his whole life - a SNOW MACHINE.  Oh my god.  My throat was sore when we were done playing with it!  Here's a quick sample: