Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sacramento parks!

Playing with nana and Gaga at Sacramento parks!


This is so cute. This little boy owns my dad's heart!



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sacramento zoo!

When we were in California in early December, we went to the zoo. This zoo even had a train! Can you imagine?!

Charlie and Uncle Kyle playing with coins for animal charities.


Uncle Kyle, gramps, grandmother Barbara, and Nana, all playing with Charlie. Do you think this kid gets enough attention?

Nice orangutan!


Monday, January 25, 2016

Gardens with Mabel

Charlie had a gardens date with Miss Mabel and her mom Samantha- Charlie calls her SaMaMa! We mostly went to feed the ducks, but at the end it all turned into a game of chase. These two had a lot of fun together. It's nice that Charlie is finally coming to an age where he really plays with other kids. So fun!


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snowy days!

We've gotten our fair bit of snow the past couple of days. Charlie isn't the biggest fan. For one, he hates all the warm clothes I make him wear to go outside. Also, he thinks sleds are dumb. I managed to get a couple of cute pictures before the screaming began.


Building forts on snow days!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

A day with daddy

Bre wasn't feeling great last weekend (and neither was Charlie!) so daddy had to spring into action! I took Charlie to the mall where we rode the train

And the carousel

Charlie was an animal vet

And finally we ate BBQ!!!

Hooray! Charlie is mesmerized by football in this picture. Go figure!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tractor rides!

We went to Gray's birthday party this weekend. He has a super cool play tractor! Avett gave all of the smaller kids rides. It was adorable!

Construction hard hat!


Monday, January 18, 2016

"Ice" skating

The museum has an "ice" rink set up for the kids to play on. It's just plastic, but it's super slippery and fun.





Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sick kid

So my little man has been sick for about two weeks. It's been rough. He still has lots of energy, but we can't go anywhere to get rid of it, because we don't want to get other kids sick. Plus, it's cold out! So we've hung out at the house a lot, and started watching some Disney movies. Charlie loves my favorite, The Jungle Book. He also likes Finding Nemo, the Little Mermaid and the Lion King. Here's some cute pictures of him on the couch.



Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Chasing birds on piers

In Los Angeles, one of our favorite things to do is go to the beach to watch the sunrise (because of the crazy time change we are wide awake). Charlie loves to run around on a pier and chase the birds. Here he is on two different piers, chasing the birds, to the delight of all around him!