Saturday, February 28, 2015

Charlie & His Chair

So, Grandpa Pete found an awesome chair, that must have been my first chair from back when I was one!  He made it himself back in 1978 or so, and it's made entirely out of octagons for some reason (Grandpa says he was in an "octagon mood").  I remember it floating around the basement in New Jersey for the last 36 years, tiny in a corner somewhere.

So what a surprise to get a package in the mail with a beautifully refinished chair for Charlie, and with a wonderful inscription on the bottom!

Charlie managed to sit in it today!  He's been putting his bottom on everything, trying to figure out this whole "sitting" thing.  I caught him sitting in the chair - you can see in the beginning of the video.  The rest of the video pretty much speaks for itself - he's still getting the handle of it :)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Living LA style

The next stop on our trip was Los Angeles to see Grandma Cookie and Poppy.

We were there for Poppy's 89th birthday party! So fun! Here's Charlie having fun at their for a couple of days before the party. Lots of sunshine!

Charlie looks like a littler surfer!




Bubble gun! He loved this thing!

Dog door- what fun!


Playing in the warm Cali sun.



Not asleep- just climbing on Daddy!


Thursday, February 26, 2015


We got about 6-8" today, and Durham pretty much shut down, so I took a little break from work to hang out with Bre and Charlie and go for a nice long walk.

First, our house in the snow!  Note the freshly shoveled walkway - done by Pete, with a shovel purchased by Bre - thanks Bre!

Here's Charlie walking on the snowy road!  He's surprisingly good at walking in the slushy sleety snow, considering he isn't the best walker to begin with!

And here's Charlie and Mama towards the end of our walk, looking adorable.

Charlie's First Word Document!!

North Carolina got some CRAZY snow last night - hopefully we'll have some pretty pictures of that. As a result I (Pete) worked from home today.  Charlie came in to give me a kiss, and then he decided he needed to express his artistic side with some creative writing!  Here's his first word document!  He's no Hemmingway, not yet, but he's already better than Stephenie Meyer :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Playing with Grandma Cookie and Poppy


Playing outside. Thats uncle Dean in the foreground. We got to see him for a day too!
Time to say goonight. Everyone gets hugs and kisses!


Birthday party time!
Charlie crawling around with Roxy. You can see there is a music party in full swing behind him.


Happy birthday Poppy! And that's his younger brother. He's only 79!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Good times in Sacramento

Always eating. Where does all that food go? I have no idea!


Bernie follows gramps around, and Charlie follows Bernie around. They make a nice little parade!


Playing with a turkey baster. "Mom, why don't we have one of these? It's the best toy!"


Monday, February 23, 2015

Fun with Great Grandmother

Charlie had a super fun time with his great Grandmother Barbara. She took us to the zoo, and a fun park. And she came over to play with us at Grammy and Gramp's house. Here are a couple of pictures.


This is one of uncle Kyle's dogs, Daisy May. She loves Charlie!
Always pointing....


Sunday, February 22, 2015

A day at the zoo

A day at a little rescue zoo in Sacramento with Grammy, Gramps, and Grandmother Barbara. Charlie had a great time. Uncle Kyle got him this awesome Sacramento Kings jersey. Charlie looks so cute in it!

You'll notice a trend in these pictures- Charlie is always pointing. We rarely know what he is pointing at, but he's always very excited about it.


Bringing mommy a stick!


Giving Grandmother some dirt. Notice the bear in background? Charlie doesn't, because of dirt.



He made best friends with this deer





With Grammy Susie


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beach baby

Sorry, I'm back now! Many new posts in the upcoming days....


Cali sand and sun!

My new favorite picture of Charlie!




Playing with Grammy Susie



Always climbing on things...




Saturday, February 14, 2015

Baby on a plane, part 2

Charlie with uncle Kyle, about to fly from Sacramento to Los Angles

Ps- sorry for the light posting. We are having some internet problems here.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Baby on a plane!

On our way to Cali! Charlie all nestled into his car seat, being super happy!

The flight attendants loved him, and gave him stickers, straws, cups and pretzels to play with.




A beautiful weekend, part 1

We spent all of last weekend outside, because it was beautiful!

We played outside with Sarah, Lars and Dan, took a couple of trips to the park, and Charlie and I went hiking.




I love the goofy look on his face here.



Playing with daddy at the park. Giving people sticks is Charlie's favorite game!