Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pool time! (And a quick health note!)

Health note: I just got off the phone with Charlie's allergist. As expected, all the blood work came back normal. She decided that she wants to see him in 6 months. If all his blood work comes back normal then, we will do food challenges in the lab with her. This is where they give him small doses of the worrisome food in the lab under doctor supervision, and see how he reacts. If that goes well, we will know he is not allergic -he could still be intolerant, but that's a much less severe reaction- and we can expand his diet (and mine, if I'm still breast feeding.) so that's all good news for both of us. We will see in Janurary!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.....



We go in the pool almost everyday. Charlie loves it! I think he's going to be a great swimmer! He has lots of fun toys in the pool, but his favorite game is for mommy or daddy to dive under and come back up again and smile at him. It causes fits of giggles!




Playing with ice

This is Charlie trying to play with ice. For some reason this makes me giggle uncontrollably!



Blueberry picking!

We spent the day at the Wallmero compound picking blueberries and hanging out. The kids all had fun playing, and we all ate lots of blueberries.


Avey on his ATV, looking like a big kid.

We turned our backs for a second, and Molly climbed up on top of her Daddy's lawnmower! And looked like she wanted to drive away. Pretty cute!

This girl is tough
Charlie playing outside



Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Charlie's Dino cake topper

We got this in the mail today- the cake topper from our New Jersey Charlie party. It's been preserved, and carefully wrapped and shipped to us. It looks awesome in Charlie's playroom on the wall. Check it out!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Charlie goes to the allergist

So I took Charlie to the pediatric allergist yesterday, hoping to learn some more about these food allergies of his. We learned very little.
They started with the pinprick test. This is where they they put allergens (like milk or eggs or dust) onto a little tiny needle, and prick his skin with it. They tested him for a bunch of things. The whole test failed. He didn't react appropriately to the control test (just a histimine), so the results were invalid. The doctor told me this often happens with kids his age- their immune systems aren't built the same as ours, so these tests don't work. 
Next they took some blood and will do some allergen testing on that to see what they find.  They told me that this test might also not be very helpful, given his age. We will see. They took blood out of his arm like a big boy- when they are first born, they do blood draws out of the foot. It did not go well. He has tiny little veins like his mommy, and it took the nurse a long time to get a good one. She had to call for backup!  Charlie was pretty mad the whole time, and screamed at her to teach her who was boss!
Anyway, we will see what the results of that are, but I'm not expecting much. Basically, they told me to stay the course and come back in a year. Oh well.
Now here is a cute picture of Charlie to counter all that boring text!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Early morning walk with mom

Charlie and I went for a nice early morning walk. It was all misty and beautiful downtown.

Grammy Susie!

She sure does love her Charlie!
This is them saying goodbye at the airport. :(

At the park with daddy

Pete took Charlie down to the park for the afternoon. Cuteness.  Here's Charlie playing in the dirt!!

Looking back, forlornly at his stroller :)

Playing in the swing...

Charlie looks so small!  But daddy is right behind him!

Time to go home!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I love my gramps!

Charlie loves to play on beds. Mostly because he likes to crawl to the edge as quickly as possible and try to launch himself off. As you can imagine, he doesn't often get to play on beds. But today he was well supervised and got to play on the bed with gramps. So cute!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Granny Nanny!

I've been feeling pretty crappy the last couple of days, so Grammy Susie has taken charge of Charlie for me. How do sick moms survive without live in help?
Anyway, she and Charlie have been having a great time. And Grampa Rick likes to play with them too!
So here are a few pictures from them.

Crazy Charlie in his car! (My new favorite picture of him)

Charlie tring to eat Grammy Susie's nose!

Char napping on a walk! (He took a 2 hour nap today!)

About to go swimming with grandma!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

7 months!

Charlie is 7 months now! He is sitting like a champ, crawling like a champ, pulling up like a champ and trying to walk!
He never stops moving for more than a few seconds. It was really hard to capture any pictures this month, but I did the best I could.  Here are a few 7 month pictures.


Laying down (he was only still because Grammy Susie distracted him)

Funny smile

My favorite (notice his hand is a blur-because he is about to plop down and start crawling)

Random acts of cuteness

Look who can sit in the cart like a big boy!

Eating with Grammy Susie!
Playing with mommy
Playing at the museum

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Charlie in the fog

At the same museum trip, Charlie and I played with the fog machine. Grammy Susie blew the fog all over us! It made Charlie giggle. It made me cough.

Charlie in the mist

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at the museum, and Charlie got to play in the mist playground. It's his new favorite thing! We thought he might be a little nervous or scared, but he loved it! He wanted to sit right next to the mister, and let it spray in his face. He even got to roll down some little hills. The ground is covered in artificial grass so it doesn't get too muddy, but he was still a mess. What fun!